Posted by ken.eastwood, in category Ken's World, July 31, 2012 7:10 am
It is a scenario played out over and over again on summer vacations across the province. You’re winding down a wonderful day on the beach, or at the cottage, or at the campsite. Maybe you’ve cracked that first cool beverage of the evening. Steaks are sizzling on the grill. And across the lake, the sun is setting in a beautiful glow of oranges, reds and yellows. “What a beautiful scene”, you think to yourself; “I gotta get a picture of this”.
If you’ve been on Facebook lately, you’ve notice it. There has been a definite increase in the number of sunset pics. Instargam is lousy with ‘em.
Just a warning though, before you take that picture, remember: it’s the sun…we’ve seen it. It might just be the most photographed subject in history, ok second to Kim Kardashian. But think about it. If you’re gonna take that picture, it’s gotta be good, real good. Your cousin on holidays in the Muskokas is taking the exact same picture, so is your mom travelling through Banff your sister just got one from the top of the CN tower. You’ll have to find something unique to set your photo apart from all the others.
So think twice, are you taking a picture because it’s a perfect photo op? Or are you taking a picture because it’s a perfect holiday moment? Well, we can’t smell the steaks in your picture, we can’t taste the beer…so maybe just put the camera away, sit back and enjoy that sunset…prolly gonna be another one tomorrow too!
But what do I know.
P.S. The above image is from my own vacation photos last week, so I am just as guilty!
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