Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rhymes With Right - SC Democrat Chairman Is Truly A Racist Dick

There is no other way to describe the chairman of the South Carolina Democrat party. Just consider what came out of the mouth of South Carolina Democrat Dick Harpootlian at a fundraiser for the South Carolina Democrat Party featuring Vice President Biden, Congressional candidate Elizabeth Colbert Busch and the party's presumptive 2014 gubernatorial candidate.

South Carolina Democratic Chairman Dick Harpootlian is getting some heat today for a comment he made about that state’s Republican governor at Friday night’s Jefferson-Jackson dinner, shortly before Vice President Joe Biden took the stage. Harpootlian’s comment came during his introduction of South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen. “In about 18 months from now,” he said, “hopefully he’ll have sent Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from.”

The comment drew cheers and laughs from the audience in attendance, but Harpootlian is now facing harsh criticism, given Governor Nikki Haley‘s Indian heritage. “Unfortunately, this seems to be a trend coming from the South Carolina Democratic Party,” Haley spokesman Rob Godfrey said in a statement. “Fortunately, the people of South Carolina are better than Harpootlian and his ilk, and we have faith that they will see right through their consistent attempts to play to the lowest common denominator.”

Racist Dick Harpootlian has tried to "clarify" his comment to explain it away, but that doesn't cut it. After all, this is not the first racist attack on Haley by the head of the South Carolina branch of the Party of Slavery, Segregation, and the Klan -- there is this one from two years ago.

South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian said the 2001 document the party unearthed shows the 39-year-old Haley plays on her race for political convenience.

"She can't even tell the truth about her racial heritage," Harpootlian said.

That issue came up because she signed a form completed by a state computer that listed her as white and there is not an option on the form to answer "NONE OF YOUR F&*$ING BUSINESS" to the race question.

Of course, there are other hateful comment from Racist Dick about Governor Haley. There's this one from last September.

But maybe we should not be surprised, given his sexist attack last spring on Governor Haley.

South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian has gone on the offensive against the Palmetto State’s Republican Governor Thursday. Harpootlian told the press that Haley reminded him of The Jersey Shore’s Nicole “Snooki” Pollizzi and Reality Star Tramp Kim Kardashian.

Harpootlian criticized Haley in a press release over how she’s demonstrated her support for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Apparently Harpootlian has a problem with women and racial minorities who don't know their place and who rise to positions of power and influence through their own merits rather than through Democrat-sponsored affirmative action quotas.

But if we are going to send those with unusual names or exotic heritage "back where they came from", let's deal with the most obvious issue -- what sort of name is "Harpootlian"? From what I understand, it is Armenian -- meaning that his family origin is Asian, though I'm sure he classifies himself as white on his driver's license and voter registration documents. I won't, however, suggest sending Harpootlian "back where he came from" -- we don't send Americans back to the lands of their ancestors because of political disputes, and the good people of Armenia don't deserve to have Racist Dick inflicted upon them even if we did.

So, my fellow Americans, what are we to do? That's easy -- reject the Party of Slavery, Segregation, and the Klan (the natural home of folks like Racist Dick Harpootlian) and instead vote for members of America's only party that can legitimately claim to have opposed racism and supported racial equality since the day of its creation, the GOP. No wonder that the most prominent racial and ethnic minorities in politics today are Republicans -- we accept people based upon the content of their character not the color of their skin or homeland of their ancestors.


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