Thursday, May 2, 2013

this is not hollywood - My Marriage is Longer Than Kim Kardashian's!

mood: uncomfortable uncomfortable

In honor of being married for a whole year (with no "oopsies" babies to boot!), I'm posting my favorite poem that I wrote during NaPoWriMo. I didn't post it to my writing blog because it felt a little too personal. But it's not too personal for the LiveJournals!!

Poem #17 – Blizzards

I dreamed about blizzards with you

that day in April, my dress

white as snow.

Spring came early that year

and sunlight spilled all over the floor

as I sat amongst piles of books

and I knew when they were all

on the shelves,

I would be home.

Dreaming of a tiny Christmas tree

in that same sunny window

Knowing the next time the snow fell

all my tea and blankets and cozy

would be yours, too.

Last week the branches cracked

beneath the weight of the ice

I stayed huddled up in the cold,

the light too gray to be cozy

making the bed and packing away sweaters

wishful thinking for another spring.

The world still subdued

beneath the oppression of cold

Last night I once again waited for snow

the disbelieving look you gave me

as you mopped up the mess in the bathroom.

“I'm not mad,” I promised,

but you retreated anyway,

disappearing into the garage,

the first time you ever shut me out

and when following you didn't help,

I shrank back into the house

The heater and the lights all on now

but somehow not warm enough.

We love now as if it never happened,

as if I never saw this new tear in the fabric of us.

It's a blip swallowed by hours

of laughter and kisses

pasta and Woodie Guthrie

and the way I went into the cold this morning

to try to make it right--

and the way you called me from work

to tell me to stay home, stay safe

because you love me and

you had a bad feeling about this all along.

Now I pull into the driveway,

the wind lashing at my windows,

stinging my cheeks as I open the door.

But I stand in the fury

for a moment

watching a fat squirrel

wiggle her tail impatiently

as she stuffs corn kernels into her mouth.

“It's spring, dammit,” she seems to say,

and God help me, I'm not going

back to sleep again.

- April 18, 2013


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